Bronx Tale

"A Bronx Tale" is a movie that takes viewers back to New York City in the sixties, particularly the Bronx, which has its own identity as depicted in the film. The story explores the racial tensions between the blacks and Italians, which were prevalent in the city at that time. The movie is divided into two parts, the first one set in 1960, where we meet Robert DeNiro as a bus driver raising his son, who becomes fascinated by the gangsters hanging out at the bar down the street.

The young boy witnesses a murder committed by the local boss, played by Chazz Palmentiri, and becomes part of his circle as he adheres to the neighborhood code of not snitching to the police. Palminteri's character is intriguing, and he advises the young boy to stay in school, but his fascination only grows. In the second half of the movie, set in 1968, the boy is now a teenager who gets interested in a black girl, which is not accepted in his crowd. However, Palminteri encourages the relationship, and everything comes full circle in a tragic event in the Bronx.

The movie draws comparisons to "Goodfellas," where two kids grow up to be gangsters under the wing of a neighborhood boss. Palminteri's character here tells the young kid to do as he says and not as he does, but tragedy sets him on the right path in the end. DeNiro is excellent as the father, while Palminteri steals the show as the street-smart gangster boss.

Overall, "A Bronx Tale" is an excellent movie that gives the Bronx its due. The movie takes viewers on a journey through the city's past and explores the racial tensions and other issues prevalent at that time. It is a must-watch for those interested in the city's history and those who enjoy a good drama.